About Us


We are excited to have you join us and hope that you feel welcome at worship as we receive the gifts of the Lord in the Divine Service!

There are two things you need to know about our church.

– At St. Peter Lutheran Church, we stand on the changeless Word of God and proclaim the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ.

– We promise that at worship you will hear God’s Word plainly taught and the Good News of Christ clearly proclaimed. This is how our Lord has promised to work and we know He will be with us as we gather together in worship.

If you are looking for a church home, St. Peter is a place where people are strengthened in their faith, equipped in their calling, and truly grow closer to one another in God’s love. If we can help you in any way, talk to the pastor or any member. God bless your worship with us!


About Communion

The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) is celebrated at this congregation by all baptized believers who hold to the confession of faith of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

In keeping with Jesus’ own words in the Gospels and the writings of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 11), we believe that Communion (Greek koinonia) is not only a very participation in the body and blood of Christ, but also a communion with each other as the body of Christ.  It is a co-participation (koinonia) together in the body of the Lord as his body of redeemed believers.  Thus, when we come to the altar we do so corporately as his people whom he has called forth from death to life and made his own.  In the Supper we are reconciled with the Lord and with each other by his body and blood.

As the one who has been called to exercise the office of shepherd over God’s people, the pastor has the duty and responsibility to administer the Lord’s Supper in accordance with the Lord’s own instructions.  If you have not yet communed at this altar, we simply ask that you first speak with the pastor.

However, all are invited forward – those who believe something different than what we confess at this altar, simply make the sign of the St. Andrews’ cross (i.e. arms crossed across your chest) to receive a blessing.